Development Update - 03/17/2012


Staff member
Converter appears to be fully working. However, I realized something while working on it. Unless I can find a solution for this before release, this is how it is, and I apologize now. Players will NOT be converted over to the new format.

Security is a major concern of mine in any project I do. Now, working in the .Net Framework, source code is not secure by any means. I could obfuscate, but it doesn't truly make a difference. If someone wants the code bad enough, they'll get it. That said, no code I write is Open Source, but it is also totally unobfuscated. Take that for exactly what it is.

The reason I mention this is, no matter how I try to store player information, I cannot secure passwords from the server owners. So to counter this, users are stored on my server only. This will be done in a very secure fashion and the password will never ever be sent to servers. Because of this, I cannot convert players on your server.

The only method I can think of to counter this is to send the user to the server and match it and send back only necessary info about the player. Actually, now that I think of it, I can probably do this. Hm, ladies and gentlemen, my brainflow in action..And no, I don't edit my post as I type, :p

The only caveat, is if the player matches a player on my side, but the passwords don't, what then..