Staff member
I'm going to take a different approach with this post. The git commit history tells a different story on progress than what I think, so I'm going to write on the latest commits.
Since the last post:
Small post this time, hopefully I'll have more for you next time
Since the last post:
- BSGame Resources were removed from the repository including, Textures, Sounds, GUI mockups, and test maps. Strangely I didn't remove the music, so I'll have to do that too.
- Worked some more on the database contract and making player/monster inventories work with it. Also looks like an easier way of creating database tables was added. There were also bug fixes to Flags, Items, Players, and Monsters in relation with database contract stuff in this commit.
- Further simplified table creation in regards to link tables. Nearly all classes that inherit the Database Contract were touched so I'm not going to list them all. Also quite a few bug fixes to the inventory contract which allow a better way to move/remove items in an inventory. Save will also actually save now.
- Fixed many bugs with link table creations. Changed Monster table name. Fixed the create table calls in nearly all contract classes. Fixed a threading issue with the game server which caused the server to close prematurely. Changed the way the game server closes so that the socket thread properly closes.
- Yet more fixes to monster, items, and npc contracts. It's these link tables, they just keep introducing more issues. Grudgingly started work on the map contract despite future rewrite plans. Tile contract (minus link table) is complete.
- Very light work on the Map contract including Monster Spawns.
Small post this time, hopefully I'll have more for you next time