Development Update - 07/06/10


Staff member
I've finished pretty much everything that needs to be done before we can restore Odyssey to its former glory. However, before doing so, I've sent an e-mail to Steverino in hopes of getting his approval of this project and possibly the last source before Odyssey's death. I've put a week deadline on a response, so that if he doesn't respond, I'll simply go ahead with this project. If at a later time he asks that this go offline, I will comply. No ifs ands or buts.

This said, after having finished the new server registry, I've decided to go with a different approach. I'll keep this under wraps for the time being, but it should solve Odyssey's biggest problem. You know the one, Steve gets someone to host the registry, they suddenly leave, the registry is just dead for awhile, Steve finds a new host, then they leave, and again it dies. And so on. This should solve this problem permanently.

Anyway, that is what is being developed right now, but it's very low priority right now. I've neglected BSGame while doing this and feel slightly ashamed.


Staff member
Amazingly, Steverino contacted me back. No specifics yet, but it seems he's going to allow me to bring the community back. We're going to discuss this later on today, so stay tuned.

On a side note, is anyone even visiting the forums this summer? I've been in summer classes, but have still been working on things, what are you guys up to?


New Member
Mostly working on this end, trying to save up some money so I can start paying off bills from school and afford an apartment soon... not to mention looking for a job all while fixing my relatives computers non-stop...

very busy summer :-( I can only hope to play some ody when it is revived.

I will be sure to get zimekis, Minion and some of my other friends who used to play on :)


Funny to think Ody is what brought this all together in the first place, what 7-8 years ago, I remember searching for hours for our free hosting haha...good times.