Recent content by TheCord

  1. T

    Is this seriously still a thing?

    That sounds quite odd to me. I just don't see that being something remote would do. But I will definitely enjoy it.
  2. T

    Is this seriously still a thing?

    I had the same reaction. As far as I know Bugaboo was helping remote for a little, but I don't think he stuck around very long. Although I wasn't an extremely avid Classic player so I'm not entirely sure.
  3. T

    Is this seriously still a thing?

    Say what?!
  4. T

    Just something I was working on.

    I apologize for the large image. I just found this a few days ago. I had been working on it from, lets see... the first time I ever did anything as a god was on December 13, 2010. The last edit I ever made as a god prior to leaving for school was May 8, 2011. Dang. It's been a whole year since...
  5. T

    Development Update - 02/24/2012

    Nice to hear the news. I'm looking forward to everything. I'll try and be around for the next few weeks, I usually check back every two weeks or so. And its nice to hear that we'll most likely be able to convert scripting. I just downloaded the big script dump so I'm going to be learning some...
  6. T

    How do you

    You would have to change the hard coding to raise the max level over 255, which isn't possible for you to do because Mycal has the code.
  7. T

    Small Development Update

    I am pretty stoked for this update.
  8. T

    Connecting without the Registry

    Yes, there is an application called "Ody" in the folder. Open it and it will go to the menu with Login, New Account, Credits, Options, ect. Click "Credits", and click "Private Server." From there you just type in the IP address and what not. It should work.
  9. T

    Connecting without the Registry

    Yes, there is a private connector that can be used. I believe it came with the download. At least I have one. lol
  10. T


    I tried deleting the version.dat and I still get Runtime error 75 :/. Personally, the private connector as been working fine though.
  11. T

    Random Grass script?

    Grass Script: This is the grass script I use although it depends on the grass that you would like to use. I could change it around for you if you'd like. SUB Main(Player AS LONG) Dim Map AS LONG, X AS LONG, Y AS LONG Map = GetPlayerMap(Player) For X = 0 To 11 For Y = 0 To 11 If...
  12. T

    Need a few scripts made

    I just wrote this real quick so it's kinda sloppy. Sub Main(Player AS LONG) If GetPlayerClass(Player) = 1 Then If GetPlayerMana(Player) => 5 Then SetPlayerMana(Player, GetPlayerMana(Player)-5) SetPlayerHP(Player, GetPlayerHP(Player)+10) CreatePlayerEffect(GetPlayerMap(Player)...
  13. T

    Need a few scripts made

    Oh darn, my bad, I remembered the main = continue but I forgot the main = stop. I was in a rush.
  14. T

    Need a few scripts made

    The level and class requirements are quite simple. In the script USEOBJ#, # being the number of the object you would like to have the requirements just put: Function Main(Player AS LONG) As Long If GetPlayerLevel(Player) > 4 AND GetPlayerClass(Player) = 3 Then Main = Continue Else...
  15. T

    Small Bugs

    After the updater would run and I would try to select a certain server on the list.