Changelog As of 06/27/08

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Staff member
Latest version of Besrix will always be attached to the bottom of this post. Scroll to the bottom to find it.

--- 08-29-08: Version 2.0.1
-- Fix: No save on retrieve top10 scores
-- Fix: Bad content length grabbing for online scores
-- Fix: Online scores always invisible despite option preferences
-- Fix: Opening save game dialog fixed

--- 06-27-08: Version 2.0
-- Feature: Online scoreboard (
-- Feature: Show next piece option
-- Feature: Show shadow peice (Also known as the phantom piece)
-- Feature: Show FPS option
-- Feature: Flash when clearing rows option
-- Feature: Save game on exit option (if unchecked, you will be asked when you quit while a a game is in progress)
-- Feature: Upload scores option
-- Feature: Retreive top10 scores option
-- Change: Next piece now modifies your score by -10 * (level+1)
-- Change: Shadow piece now modifies your score by -20 * (level+1)
-- Change: Shadow piece is now available again
-- Change: Offline scoreboard is now available again
-- Change: Options dialog is now available again
-- Change: Saving split into speperate files again ( & Besrix.dat)
-- Change: Removed commandline switches
-- Fix: Scoreboard saving
-- Fix: Options saving
-- Fix: Options window

--- 07-01-07: Version 1.3.1
-- Change: Disable scoreboard temporarily. Saving is extremely unreliable.
-- Change: Disable special save. Determined unreliable after thorough testing.

--- 06-21-07: Version 1.3
-- Feature: -noreg switch turns off saving data into the registry
-- Feature: -nosave switch turns off saving of any data (ideal for non-private computers)
-- Feature: -nosfx switch turns off all sounds
-- Feature: -dfps switch displays the FPS in the Window Title Bar
-- Feature: Boss Key to hide the program immediately. Press again to show. (Ctrl+Shift+Z)
-- Change: Saving is now grouped into one file. All options, scores, everything is a special encrypted file.
-- Change: Namechange. Project will now be referred to as Besrix

--- 05-15-07: Version 1.2.1
-- Fix: Crash bug with score log
-- Fix: Drop score works on every drop now

--- 05-11-07: Version 1.2
-- Feature: A log of scores are saved and loaded on each run
-- Feature: Scoreboard now shows your top scores
-- Feature: Somewhat functional speed drop score (hold down until the block drops)
-- Feature: Color coded scores on gameover (Green means score is better than last highscore, red means lower)
-- Change: Hide the next piece on pause
-- Change: Clearing of rows does not happen until flash is finished
-- Change: Options dialog cannot be accessed until I can fix the scripts associated with them
-- Change: About description is now more descriptive
-- Change: Better framerate limiting
*- Change: Removed the highly requested phantom piece until further notice
-- Fix: Scores now reset immediately on new game
-- Fix: Clearing rows does not skip holes in rows anymore
-- Fix: Flash now shows on the correct rows whenever 1-2 rows have a hole in a 3-4 row chain
-- Fix: Save on exit should always work now unless the directory is locked from write
-- Fix: All extra windows (options, about, scoreboard) all pause the game before opening
-- Fix: Once again, old crash bugs resurfaced, should be the last time they need to be fixed
-- Fix: Row flash now runs for a decent amount of time
-- Fix: Crash bug involving no game data file. Now loads defaults if no file is found.
-- Fix: Tetris blocks are created more randomly than before
-- Fix: Rarely experienced extra line clear

* Well, there are many unforeseen problems with the phantom piece that I just didn't catch before. Most of
which are not easily noticable or only happen on rare, unknown circumstances. A few of the problems include:
-- Random Crash bug when rotating a block
-- Phantom block sometimes does not represent the current block after rotation
-- Phantom block does not represent the current block on new game
-- Phantom block sometimes appears at the top of the screen rather than the bottom
-- Crash bug sometimes whenever moving the block to the edges of the screen
-- Phantom block sometimes does not adjust its position correctly when a row is nearly full
-- Crash bug with unknown cause (which is the reason for temporary removal)

--- 05-05-07: Version 1.1
-- Feature: Last played song now saves on exit
-- Feature: Highscore is now displayed on pause
-- Feature: Score & Highscore now display on gameover
-- Feature: The highly requested phantom piece
-- Change: Complete revamp of the row flashing. Actually looks good now!
-- Fix: Old crashbugs resurfaced, fixed yet again

--- 02-20-07: Version 1.0.6
-- Change: Row Flashing slowed down slightly
-- Fix: More Save/Load bugs (should load correctly now)

--- 02-14-07: Version 1.0.5
-- Fix: Crash bug whenever computer returns from hibernation
-- Fix: Crash bug whenever another application runs in full screen

--- 02-13-07: Version 1.0.4
- Feature: Custom Icon for the program
- Feature: Flash on clearing of rows
- Feature: All original Nintendo Gameboy sounds have been implemented
- Feature: Game data for future features saves and loads on each load
- Feature: Options dialog created
- Change: Put buttons on main form into menus
- Fix: Save/Load bugs
- Fix: Crash bug whenever screensaver becomes active

--- 02-08-07: Version 1.0.3
- Feature: Load/Save Game
- Feature: 3 Default Musics match the original Nintendo Gameboy music
- Change: Improved overall game speed
- Change: Changed levelup to match Nintendo's original levelup of every 10 lines
- Fix: New game actually works after game over now

--- 01-05-07: Version 1.0.1
- Feature: Added custom graphics
- Feature: Ability to play music
- Feature: Levelup works now
- Change: Scoring now matches Nintendo's original scoring system ala (
- Fix: Highscore now saves on EVERY exit

--- 01-01-07: Version 1.0
- Initial Version

Using µTorrent style changelog :p

Also a µTorrent forum idea, if you would like to be notified of new versions, subscribe to this topic. Users cannot post in this topic. If you want to make a new topic about each new version, feel free to, but only 1 topic per version please.


Staff member
Re: Changelog As of 07/01/07

This site sucks so much...

Currently, the FTP is broken, and manual file upload through the control panel is also broken...Sorry, the file is out there ready to be uploaded, but I have no way to do so. Therefore, if you want the newest Besrix, please either send me an e-mail or an IM and I'll get it to you that way for now.


Staff member
Re: Changelog As of 07/01/07

OK, thanks to our new host, we can now add attachments again in addition to ftping! Woot! From now on, you will always be able to find the latest Besrix files in this topic. It will always be attached to the first post and you can simply subscribe to this topic if you wish to know of new releases right away!
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