Converting Scripts to Lua


Staff member
I've mentioned before that I will be converting all scripts from OdysseyScript (which is similar to VBScript) to Lua several times. I wanted to show what this meant. Lua is a very easy to use language, though it does take some time getting used to. For most scripts, it will do a 1:1 conversion but add comments that show that an alternative may be available. Here is a sample script that was very basic that am using for conversion comparison.

This is a playertell script, that basically finds a user named "bigred" and if he is online, sends the playertell to him as well. It also plays a sound to indicate a message was received to all parties.

Function main(player as long, targetplayer as long, message as string) AS Long
  dim a as long, b as long,c as long,soundnum as long

  soundnum = 3

  for a = 1 to getmaxusers
    if strcmp(getplayername(a),"bigred") then
      if not strcmp(getplayername(player),"bigred") and not strcmp(getplayername(targetplayer),"bigred") then
        playermessage(a,strcat(getplayername(player),strcat(" has told ",strcat(getplayername(targetplayer),strcat(" ", message)))),6)
      end if
    end if
  next a

  main = continue
End Function

Here is the converted Lua code:
function playertell(player, targetplayer, message)
  local soundnum = 3
  local a
  for a = 0,getmaxusers(),1 do -- can likely be replaced with 'local a = findPlayer(playerName)'
    if getPlayerName(a) == "bigred" then
      if not ( getPlayerName(player) == "bigred" or getPlayerName(targetplayer) == "bigred" ) then
        playermessage(a, getPlayerName(player) .. " has told " .. getPlayerName(targetplayer) .. " " .. message, 6)
		playCustomWav(a, soundnum)
  playCustomWav(player, soundnum)
  playCustomWav(targetplayer, soundnum)
  return true

Note that there is a comment on the for loop that indicates a function may be able to replace this loop. So the function could actually be shorted to the following.

function playertell(player, targetplayer, message)
  local soundnum = 3
  if not ( getPlayerName(player) == "bigred" or getPlayerName(targetplayer) == "bigred" ) then
    local a = findPlayer("bigred")
    playermessage(a, getPlayerName(player) .. " has told " .. getPlayerName(targetplayer) .. " " .. message, 6)
    playCustomWav(a, soundnum)
  playCustomWav(player, soundnum)
  playCustomWav(targetplayer, soundnum)
  return true

Another thing to note, scripts will now use their real name as the function name instead of just main for every script as shown above. As I convert more and more complex scripts, I'll be able to fill out this topic with example conversions so you can get a good feel of the language.


New Member
I'm very good at OdyScript (MBSC), but I know nothing about Lua. That being said, I think Lua looks promising, and I'm rather excited to see it incorporated in Odyssey. Could be a nice fresh change.


Staff member
It's not too hard, its a high level language like vb, but a bit more powerful and a great deal faster. It has some OOP characteristics unlike vb though not sure if I'll make use of that or not. I'm still working out kinks though..