I've been trying to Tri-boot my laptop for awhile now (Win7 and Ubuntu are already dual booting nicely) without success. I have a copy of Snow Leopard and was able to dual boot another laptop using Win7 and OSX, but my laptop is giving me problems. HP is gay and gives a VERY dumbed down BIOS and doesn't give me the options I need to set to enable OSX installation...so no idea what to do besides virtualization which does work, just a pain. Anyway, the point is, I'm working on getting an OSX machine that I'll be able to regularly access so if I do get it working, I'll revisit this topic and determine whether it will be possible or not using C#.
Just out of curiousity if anyone does have a Mac, Linux has Wine for windows emulation, does OSX have anything similar besides bootcamp? Guess I could look it up myself, but meh, I'd rather spend the time to figure out how I can get my laptop to load the DVD properly (currently just gives me the message that I need to power off the PC).