Odyssey v12.1 Re-Release


Staff member
OK. This post is mainly a placeholder for when I have the motivation to finish typing up all the details, but for now this will suffice. I have just uploaded all files necessary to play Odyssey and create servers. This is the original Odyssey 12.1 from Steverino's reign. No extra features have been added, but a buttload of fixes were put into this. I'll make a list later on.

If you find any bugs (like not being able to connect to registry mainly) then please post them here. I'll push out updates to the client and updater using the updater itself so you won't have to re-download anything manually. As for the server, for now you will have to redownload the server.zip anytime I make any changes. I'll fix this in the near future. Please ignore obvious bugs with the Updater though. I'm well aware of a semi-rare bug with the progress bars, I just haven't got around to fixing it yet. Ignore the problem/error and it will continue to download. It just won't show you a progressbar after it errors.

Other things to note. Odyssey is an old game. It was developed pre-Windows98. However, it still should run fine on WinXP, Vista and now Win7. However, if you have problems with anything, please post it here. I am working on fixes for no longer supported dependencies as well as fully upgrading the code to VB.Net. If you are experiencing problems and are on Win7 Professional/Ultimate. You can try running the game in Windows XP Mode (the virtual machine, not the compatibility settings), google to figure out how to do so. Odyssey and all of its components work perfect on my Win7 x64 Ultimate machine and in the WinXp Mode Virtual Machine. That is only supported by Pro and Ultimate though since they are the only versions that come with an extra license for WinXP. If you happen to have a copy of WinXP, you can use it in a virtual machine as well, as I do on my Home Premium laptop.


Staff member
I'm retarded sometimes. The registry has been up, but I haven't had a chance to test remotely. Turns out, I forgot to forward ports on the router. So it's not accepting connections yet...But I have tested the server out on a fresh install of Win7 x64 Home Premium and a copy of Vista Home Premium x86. The server runs fine after manually registering COMSocketServer.dll. The client also does work after simply running the dependencies package, no extra steps needed on either x64 or x86.