Run-time error '55'


New Member
Run-time error '55' File already open.

This occurs whenever I try to host a server. I have tried this on Windows 7 (64 bit), Windows Vista, and Windows XP (Virtual Machine on my Windows 7 desktop) and I still get this error.


Staff member
Hello, I've uploaded a new version that should fix this problem. If you are still encountering the issue here is how you can fix it temporarily:

Get it here (only server was updated):

Open your server folder and find the file called Server.ini.
- Open server.ini
- Find the line UseRegOnLoad and change it to False.
- Restart the server and it should be fixed.


New Member
great! I'm no longer receiving this error. :)

however, now when I try to run server.exe, I get Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create object

I also seem to get Run-time error '91' after running server.exe for the first time


Staff member
for both errors, make sure that you've downloaded the dependencies package and properly installed them (registerfiles should do the majority but you may also need to run the vb runtimes file in it too). In particular, make sure that ComSocketServer is properly placed in system32 or syswow64 (if on 64bit) and registered.


New Member
thanks! it works after registering COMSocketServer.dll

as a suggestion, you should put COMSocketServer.dll in the dependencies package zip so it's more convenient to register


Staff member
Honestly I'm not sure why it's not already in there. But suggestion taken and it will be moved into it.