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  1. Mycal


    OK, I am currently in the process of adding some new domains to this site. First off, is very long and easy to mess up. Smaller domains are largely unavailable, but I did purchase This domain points to this site, and I'll probably reverse the two domains...
  2. Mycal

    March 14 2012 - I Hate Myself

    Hm, it appears my ISP changed something recently. Not only did my IP change randomly, port 80 is now fully blocked. So the above link has been changed but here is the changed link that should work in case you missed it above: ... /index.php
  3. Mycal

    March 14 2012 - I Hate Myself

    Personal Stuff..I just felt like typing. Real news below.. OK, in less tiring/depressing news. I've barely touched the database/script conversion stuff since last week. Good news is, it's all seems super easy to convert over. And by that, I mean all native .NET code, no external libraries...
  4. Mycal

    Development Update - 03/17/2012

    Converter appears to be fully working. However, I realized something while working on it. Unless I can find a solution for this before release, this is how it is, and I apologize now. Players will NOT be converted over to the new format. Security is a major concern of mine in any project I do...
  5. Mycal

    Development Update - 02/24/2012

    Fun! It was actually much easier to open the old databases for converting than I was expecting. Fun fact, Odyssey uses Access for its database, Access '95, you know from Office '95. Haha, good stuff. Well, I was expecting it to be a enormous challenge to open that database for reading with...
  6. Mycal

    Development Update - 02/24/2012

    These forum permissions are driving me nuts. I keep having to approve/deny posts of registered users but they all forums are set to allow registered users to post without approval, so I don't know what's going on. I think I just need to set some time aside this weekend to wipe out all...
  7. Mycal

    Script Dump

    Here's the zip and some descriptions that were originally in the post: discordia.txt : Discordia server scripts (one of the last servers I started with IRL friend) scriptTestingGround.txt : Scripting Testing Ground (A server I made purely to test newly made scripts) projectkiller.txt : Project...
  8. Mycal

    Script Dump

    OK, some small warnings, some of these are very old versions of Odyssey. Many of these are not mine and are from servers I hosted. I have tons of these and there is no guarantee that any of them will work on the current version of Odyssey. Also note that I in no way support these. If you have...
  9. Mycal

    Development Update - January 11, 2012

    I seem to have forgotten something in this new scheme. We will still need to load additional levels, simply because of buildings, caves, etc. But these can be handled relatively simply. Just scripted events to change a player's level is all that is really needed I think. Additionally, I didn't...
  10. Mycal

    Development Update - January 11, 2012

    :!: Warning! Very Long Post! :!: It's been awhile. I'm going to start with the bad news. I've not done really any work on these projects over the past couple of months. In fact, my last code commit was on Nov. 9, 2011. Also, due to recent events, I'll definitely be working on things more...
  11. Mycal

    Battlefield Update - October 28, 2011

    I need to focus. I need todo lists to be more accurate. If given freedom, I tend to spend a lot of time working on things that are not important. Like I spent the past couple of weeks tweaking lighting code and experimenting with different kinds of lighting to no success. I've decided for...
  12. Mycal

    Runtime Error -2005532109 (88760233)

    The only reason .NET 2.0 framework would help is if you are getting this error on the Updater. Neither the client, nor server are written in .NET and therefore it surprises me that it helped at all. If you are still having problems, - what version of windows are you on? -- 32bit or 64bit? - is...
  13. Mycal

    Development Update - October 11, 2011

    Long time no update! So I've been working on the networking code for the past month or so running into many inconsistencies. Some machines, the networking code worked perfect every single run. Some machines, it ran and worked once, and finally my new machine, it didn't work at all. However, my...
  14. Mycal

    Development Update - August 14, 2011

    Hm, you know, I don't know. Diablo style inventory would force us to have a large inventory space..What do you guys think? I have no preference one way or another. Chat window is open purely for player chatting. NPC text will be directly on screen.
  15. Mycal

    Need a few scripts made

    Sorry no I haven't, I may have lost them, the HDD I thought they were on is dead, so unless I have a backup somewhere else, they are gone.
  16. Mycal

    Small Development Update

    You will be able to convert your server over to the new code. I'll make sure of that. Your scripts are the only thing that may or may not be able to be converted. I'll try my hardest, but it is switching from VB style script to Lua so there may be some losses somewhere.
  17. Mycal

    Development Update - August 22, 2011

    Originally we used Subversion hosted locally on this site. There were problems with this method however, we were stuck without seeing who committed what. This made things slightly difficult if we wanted to revert or verify who was accessing/changing things they shouldn't be. Not that this is a...
  18. Mycal

    July 01 2011 -- Revisiting Pixels

    Here you go, try this :D.
  19. Mycal

    July 01 2011 -- Revisiting Pixels

    Off-topic, I don't remember your e-mail, is it the same as what you have registered on this board? I'm moving our repository again (hopefully last time) and need to admin you on it, I've sent an invite to krum already just need to add you. As for a working version, give me a few and I'll upload...
  20. Mycal

    Development Update - August 14, 2011

    NO TIME TO TALK!! I MUST HURRY! Is 64 inventory slots too many? Meh, only time will tell. I not so good with the drawing with the pixels and the colors, so ignore them please :D. Colors and drawings are temporary while I'm working on it. They will not stay this color, so don't worry! Also...