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  1. Mycal

    Registration broken

    Alright, this should be resolved now. The antibot question was missing from the registration page making it impossible to register. I have added it to this template and changed the question. I just created a test user and it worked fine.
  2. Mycal

    Registration broken

    I don't know anything about it, but I'll take a look. I may have an idea of what's broken. I'll post here when I figure it out.
  3. Mycal

    Development Update - January 15, 2013

    I'm a dummy. I had tried upgrading the SQLite binary and somehow overlooked updating the reference. The project was pointing to a really old version of SQLite and not the newest one I had downloaded. Upgrading SQLite fixed my slowness issues.
  4. Mycal

    Development Update - January 15, 2013

    Laziness will be the end of me. Since the last post, I've finished up the login stuff for the most part. There's still some tweaks and features I haven't bothered implementing (reset password for example), but those can wait. I've moved over the socket connections and have been adding in game...
  5. Mycal

    Development Update - November 14, 2012

    Warning, this is a long post and is mostly developer commentary. If you are interested in encryption, keep reading, otherwise just skip to the second to last paragraph (paragraph before the list at the bottom). I've been working mainly on the login server side of things the past month after...
  6. Mycal


    Right now, no. Well, you could start working on your own server with the current version to be ready when I release the new version. You will be able to convert over to the new format with the exception of player accounts and any items on keep tiles. The only thing I would suggest holding off on...
  7. Mycal


    Sigh, our moderation permissions are running rampant again. Sorry I didn't notice the icon until just now. I really don't understand phpBB3 permissions I guess. I've reset them to the lowest security settings and it still requires approval in some subforums. Right now, Odyssey is kind of dead...
  8. Mycal

    Development Update - October 18, 2012

    Eh, I lied. I thought this over more and it makes a lot of sense to just do it. After the last post, I got curious and started playing with it, then it was the next day 9:00pm and I had it working fairly well. Basically what this is it builds the game screens from config files. Since the GUI is...
  9. Mycal

    Development Update - October 18, 2012

    OK, after talking it out and some thinking, I'm going to go with what I have currently. For editors, they will be split off temporarily and be separate windows. Well I say temporarily, but if it works better, then perhaps we'll stick with it. This would allow you to move the editors around so...
  10. Mycal

    Development Update - October 18, 2012

    I'm hoping this won't affect the date I have in my head. I've got some advice from some people I respect on the UI design and have currently halted development because of this. In the interest of time, I may not go through with any major changes this time since I'm already so far along on the...
  11. Mycal

    Development Update - October 7, 2012

    It's been a little while. I've been really busy at work and when I get home I've been jumping straight into Borderlands 2. However, the past week I've spent a lot of time working on Odyssey so here's an update of what I've been working on. I've been mainly working on backend stuff. Since this...
  12. Mycal

    Is this seriously still a thing?

    The classic code is already publicly out there. It's not terribly hard to find. But it'll suffer the same problems we're having. VB6 is a dead language and entirely unsupported by Microsoft. It's possible to get it to work, but debugging is near impossible on x64 machines. Virtual machines work...
  13. Mycal

    Dev Update - August 20, 2012

    Egh, I don't know what happened to the previous couple of posts, maybe I never finished it, maybe I just imagined posting it while I was sick, I don't know. But 1 month to the day of the last post here's a small update. Here are the things I've worked on or finished over the last month. -...
  14. Mycal

    Ody connector

    Not sure how you and your brother are trying to connect but here is a quick rundown. If you have the server running on a dedicated server that is outside of your network, follow these steps: On the server computer, Go here: Use this IP in the...
  15. Mycal

    About Development

    I've gotten this question a few times through e-mail, so I figure I should address it here. While I appreciate the offers, right now, I am not looking for additional developers for Odyssey. The one restriction I was given from Steverino is that I cannot share the source with anyone. I will...
  16. Mycal

    Is this seriously still a thing?

    Yes, sort of. The registry is offline right now, vb6 doesn't play nice on my x64 server. I can probably get it to work, but the vb6 code is very buggy in general on Windows 7. However, I've been rewriting the entire game in C#, slowly, with some big changes planned. I haven't heard from you in...
  17. Mycal

    Short update - July 20, 2012

    Ugh, I've gone about 2 years without getting sick and then I catch a cold, in summertime. I've been sick since last Friday (13th) and slowly getting better. Anyway, apparently I broke our Redmine instance last week. I'm having problems getting it back online, mainly due to I don't know anything...
  18. Mycal

    Converting Scripts to Lua

    It's not too hard, its a high level language like vb, but a bit more powerful and a great deal faster. It has some OOP characteristics unlike vb though not sure if I'll make use of that or not. I'm still working out kinks though..
  19. Mycal

    Priority List - July 03, 2012

    Thinking it over, Script conversion will also be pushed. It will still use Lua, but no script conversion until much later..
  20. Mycal

    Odyssey Wiki

    I went ahead and fixed this. It's now a rather easy question, but it's meant to stop automated bots, nothing more. Wiki's are by their nature, community editable. They don't really need to notify you to put it up, FYI. Also just saying, Burningstorm Studios has a wiki as well (that is very...