Search results

  1. Mycal

    Linux Requirement

    Has anyone ever heard of a class requirement that you run either linux or a certain distribution of linux? My Computer Science 3 course (which finally is focusing on C++ rather than Java) requires that we develop our programs specifically for Fedora Core 9. The class FINALLY has some computers...
  2. Mycal


    Well I had these about 2-3 years ago before they replaced the transformer in our yard, but now that I've moved, I'm experiencing them all over again. Power is extremely unreliable here now so any and all programming on my end has been moved to my laptop which is a much slower process (crappy...
  3. Mycal

    Homepage news

    Well, I've stated before that I hated how plain the news looked on the new layout and due to that fact, I decided to spruce up the news layout a little bit. For one, I added avatars to the post (so any admin who posts a news topic that does have an avatar will be clearly distinguishable on the...
  4. Mycal

    Final Fantasy XIII

    I know this is a little late, but I'm a little behind on my technology news. I am cut off from all my magazines (too expensive) so I have to find news on my own and am left scouring the net for the news I want to know when I want to know it..Today I just was happening on searching for some news...
  5. Mycal

    July 28, 2008 - Update

    Well, the summer school session is almost over. I had a 5 week cruncher course of Calculus and a 10 week breeze course of Computer Science 2. Now that it's almost over, I have had plenty of time to work on things. I've been jumping from one project to another and my current source is a mess...
  6. Mycal

    Forum mod broken [FIXED]

    Any non-root-ftp granted developer/admin can ignore this. This is mostly just a note that it needs to be fixed so I don't forget about it. I need to setup the bug tracker again, while I'm thinking about it. View unread topics is broken with the upgrade to phpBB 3.0.2. It is likely, only the...
  7. Mycal

    Google Ordered to Hand Over All YouTube User Data

    Taken from:,2933,376003,00.html My opinion on this is pretty obvious...HATRED.
  8. Mycal

    Diablo 3

    You know, I was a fan of Diablo 2 for awhile, then I realized how boring and repetitive the game was. Then a friend of mine got into it for the first time around 4 years ago and I played again for the heck of it. But eventually, I got bored again and quit. Then I saw this. I was totally...
  9. Mycal

    Besrix 2.0.1 [UPDATED]

    My final for Computer Science 2 is as follows: "Create a program that has the following features: - Save/Load data (whether it be local storage or server database) - Uses the swing library - Uses an ADT to store data - Demonstrates loading of local images - Takes user input from the...
  10. Mycal

    Spiderman: Web of Shadows Omg this looks awesome!
  11. Mycal

    Firefox 3

    I've been running Firefox 3 nightlies for months before the first beta came out and then switched to only beta releases. I have to say that Firefox 3 is shaping out rather nicely. I like the updated look. I like the updated features (especially the address bar and the bookmarks). And the entire...
  12. Mycal

    The Impeachment

    Some news caught my eye this morning as I was getting ready for school. It seems that there is 35 articles of impeachment that was read to the House of Representatives (granted the room was nearly empty during the process) and just finished early this morning. Personally, I have no opinion on...
  13. Mycal

    June 07, 2008 - Title?

    Well, I have finished a lot of changes to the map format for several of the new features needed on the World Editor. While doing so, I realized I forgot to add encryption/compression to maps whenever saving/loading. However, since maps should only be stored on the demo and the world editor side...
  14. Mycal

    Download Forum Problems

    I just noticed that regular users were having problems downloading from the Downloads forum. This has been fixed and you should now be able to properly download things there.
  15. Mycal

    Bitmap Attachments fixed

    A bug was found in the phpBB 3.x series that would not allow bitmaps to be properly attached. A temporary fix has been applied until the next version of phpBB (3.0.2) is released in which the changes will be merged/replaced. If you have had problems uploading bitmaps in the past due to errors...
  16. Mycal

    Memorial Day Trip

    Well, I am leaving today for Las Vegas! We were able to move our flight up to this afternoon instead of tomorrow morning and we jumped on it while we could. I will be back on Tuesday May 27. I will zero access to computers (which will seriously screw over my Zune using abilities) so I will not...
  17. Mycal

    May 22, 2008 - *YAWN*

    I wish I wasn't so sick. I've been sick all week and have been suffering from a massive case from insomnia. I'm like up all the time now. I've had maybe a total of 2 hours of uninterrupted sleep since Sunday. I am not going to fare well when I take my trip to Las Vegas this coming Sunday. Well...
  18. Mycal

    uNews Layout - NEED HELP!!

    Well, I am having a heck of a time trying to make a decent layout for the news on the updater. I've tried plain text, I've tried RTF, and I've tried HTML. Nothing I can come up with looks good. So here's me asking for some help. I need a basic layout for news. You can use whatever format you...
  19. Mycal


    I posted this last week in the Dev forum and thought I'd move it out here to give an update. Next week is Dead Week for me and the following week is finals week. So I'll be away for 2 more weeks. So I should be back around Thursday, 2 weeks from the time of this post.
  20. Mycal


    Opinions please. Better or worse? - Reorganized everything. - Moved all downloads to a core download forum. - Added parent forum for all topics.