Search results

  1. Mycal

    Odyssey's New Home

    OK, not sure if I have stated this yet. Steverino has officially agreed to me picking up the Odyssey source where he left off. So Odyssey's new home is here at Burningstorm Studios. School has been kicking my but the last couple of weeks. But I am nearly done pushing all of my changes into the...
  2. Mycal

    Development Update - 07/06/10

    I've finished pretty much everything that needs to be done before we can restore Odyssey to its former glory. However, before doing so, I've sent an e-mail to Steverino in hopes of getting his approval of this project and possibly the last source before Odyssey's death. I've put a week deadline...
  3. Mycal

    Development Update - 07/01/10

    Well, I've had many problems with the Winsock API on every aspect of all parts of the project. I can't be positive what the problem is, but it appears that it is related to Data Execution Protection (DEP) on Windows Vista/7. If DEP is turned off on a computer, then there should be no problem...
  4. Mycal


    I noticed recently that Mirage Source has finally died. I'm a little sad about this. I remember when Shannara (2nd owner) was selling the source code and I put a few bids out there but was entirely outbid by some know-nothing kid. I even remember when the source went public and I was apart of...
  5. Mycal


    I have been planning this for awhile, but soon I'll either be upgrading our hosting package or switching to a new host. Currently we are on 1and1 and their customer support is extremely irritating so I'd like to move away from them. Anyway can somebody help me out with researching alternatives...
  6. Mycal

    Facebook Connect

    OK, you may or may not see a facebook connect button floating around the forums (by floating, I mean in different areas of the forums, not actual floating), this is not currently working. There are a couple of FBConnect mods for phpBB but none are truly working, especially with FB's ever...
  7. Mycal

    Some update...

    Ok, I have a full saved draft of this topic but don't feel like finishing typing it up so I'll make this short and sweet. I will post the full topic later on whenever I feel like finishing it.. I have started working on things again. I have continued the conversion to vb/c# .NET (2008 for now...
  8. Mycal


    Ok, I'm not sure how many of you are aware of my situation, so let me just make this post here and be done with it. Before last year, I lived with my Mom. Last year I moved in with my Dad in order to goto a school closer to his house. At the end of last semester he kicked me out and I was forced...
  9. Mycal

    Spam Control

    Effective immediately, all users with a post count under 10 are now subject to a VERY limited account. This goes for all users, new and old. You must have your post approved by any developer or higher level user on this board. Your message will not appear until it has been approved, do NOT...
  10. Mycal

    GameFAQs - Best. Game. Ever Contest This has been going on for awhile now, but today's poll really struck a nerve with me..Lufia II is on the list, but it has so few votes...I played and liked all 4 games on that list (Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, Lufia II, Yoshi's Island), but...
  11. Mycal

    Windows 7 Testing

    I'm going to try out Windows 7 over the next couple of months. So all services hosted on my computer will be offline temporarily starting tomorrow (Jan. 31). I'll probably dual boot, but I'll stick on W7 until I find a reason to switch back. So while I'll try and get all services running again...
  12. Mycal

    Counter-Strike: Source

    Not to be confused with CS1.6....Anyway, if you still play this fairly old game, I'm now hosting a couple of servers. Visit this page for info on how to connect: Note that both servers are still being configured properly. I know the gungame...
  13. Mycal

    December 18 - DX8 and Vista

    OK. So we made the jump from DX7 to DX8 several months back. That brought us up to date on out of the box XP installations (base to SP3). However, I've been informed through several sources that DX9 is the earliest DX component shipped with Vista. And have confirmed this myself today. This will...
  14. Mycal


    Does anyone here actively run windows vista? I had thought I would just wait until Windows 7 came out, but I've come across a nice link recently. Look under additional products. That's a pretty nice discount I think. So I wanna hear on some people's overall opinion on the operating system. I've...
  15. Mycal

    November 4, 2008

    So it's been quite awhile since my last post. However, I feel I need to make a few updates. I made a bad decision a couple of months back when I decided to put everything on hold while I assess on whether I can port parts of this project to another language. I spent much of my freetime at school...
  16. Mycal

    Found Bugs

    Was playing this today while in class and noticed these bugs. I'll fix them later, this is just to keep a record of them. - MSINET cannot be registered manually on non-admin accounts & is not packaged with windows by default. Definitely consider switching to some other socket. - When clearing...
  17. Mycal

    Fullmetal Alchemist Anime

    I know its a relatively old anime now, but it appears that FMA is getting a sequel. I don't know if we have any fans here, but apparently this was as big a hit in America as it was in Japan so I figure, even if you didn't watch the anime subtitled, then perhaps you saw the Cartoon Network dubs...
  18. Mycal

    Site Offline

    I apologize for this, starting next week, the site may be offline indefinitely. I am awaiting a letter from PayPal so that I can unlimit my account, but until then, the webhost will have a freeze on our account until we renew payment. As soon as I receive the letter, I can renew payment...
  19. Mycal

    MP3 Player Research

    I'm a little curious. What MP3 Player (if any) do you own and regularly use? Do you like it? What would you change about it? Is there any features that you absolutely must have from your favorite sync software? What attracted you to this player over others. Second batch of questions. What kind...
  20. Mycal


    If you are not already aware, this game is finally out as of yesterday. If you are already aware that its out, then you have probably read hundreds of reviews/posts/etc of the game. Before you decide to pass on the game based on this reviews take a moment and actually read a few of them. Every...